Well, to be fair, we were far enough north that the sun never really set; there was always an orange glow at the horizon. The point is, I was awake to see it... and it sucked.
After waking up at 5am to get to LAX at 6am so that I could have plenty of time before my 8:20am flight to pass through any extra security for international flights (turns out the only thing I had to do was show them my passport. I was at the gate by 6:20)... I boarded the plan to Philly. This flight passed largely without incident, but I did manage to drain both my laptop batteries.
Somewhere along the line I also must have dropped my laptop too hard, because when I went to plug in my laptop to charge it, I noticed a crack on the back panel and a little flap of plastic obstructing the charge outlet. Hopefully it can be fixed with some duct tape and/or super glue, but for now i can push that little obstruction aside.
The flight to Zurich was a whole different story. First off, the plane was a 767 instead of a 737, and the seats were significantly more cramped. To add to this misery, I was seated next to a rather large (though exceptionally nice) man. Further more, he kept trying to get comfortable, but failed miserably, and managed only to bump me each and every time I was on the verge of actually sleeping.
Needless to say, I am quite tired. But I was picked up at the airport by my 2 lovely cousins
Tanja and
Stefania, and I'm now in the lovely little town called
Niederlenz, and I'm going to take a nap.