During my week in Santa Cruz, I also took my cousin Tanja to San Francisco, went across the Golden Gate Bridge, had clam-chowder in a bread bowl on the wharf, and managed to get lost even while using a fancy GPS. (tanja, you need to post pictures when you get them).
The next week I down to Baja California with my brother and his friends Andres and Aurthur. We got stranded in Puento Conejo due to a tropical storm that wiped out the highway leading to our original destination, Scorpion Bay. I still had a great time though, camping on the beach, hanging with my brother, waking up before dawn to go surfing before the wind picked up, eating tacos, playing with scorpions, etc. We took 900 pictures, but I've uploaded a selection here.

I arrived in Boston on Sept 1st, and have been slowly getting accustomed to living on the east coast (I realized on friday that I can no longer judge what I need to wear just by looking out my window - it was bright and sunny but around 50 degrees). I started classes on the 15th of September, and I've had to get used to being in classes again and not working. It's wierd finding myself at home, with a bunch of time on my hands, but actually having a lot of stuff to do.
Last weekend I went to New Hampshire (you can drive less than 2 hours and be in another state... it's weird) to canvass for the Obama campaign with my roommate M.E. (say Emmy). It was a lot of fun, though I don't know if we really accomplished much (most of the houses we went to had no one home). The fall foliage was beautiful though.
My roommates are great, and my classmates are great and I've been having a great time. I just got back from New Hampshire where we had our immunology program retreat. There were a bunch of great talks (a few not-so-great talks too) and I got a better sense of what some of the labs here at Harvard are doing so I can make better decisions about where to do my rotations (we get to try out several labs before choosing where to do our thesis work, which is the bulk of the degree).
On Saturday I joined a group of students and post-docs on a hike up Loon mountain. It's a ski resort in the winter, and we essentially just walked up the slope.
I'd never really seen a ski-slope without the snow before. At the top there was a magnificent lake...
and we were so tired from the ordeal that we ended up just taking the gondola back down.
I'm back in Boston now and trying (in vain) to motivate myself to study for mid-terms.
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