Thursday, June 26, 2008

I am hopeless

So I managed to leave my little notebook on the plane. I didn't really have anything written in there yet except for a really cool quote from the book I was reading (I also left the book on the plane). I also lost my money belt with my passports and 300 dollars in cash within the first 5 minutes of setting down my stuff (it was in my bag all along, in a pocket I was sure I checked twice).

So If I loose all contact, look for me in Budapest, because that's the first place I'm going where i have to fend for myself... I wish Kristen were here to take care of me :-(

Edit: A couple people have asked... I did end up finding my passports and my money. It was in a pocket of my bag that I looked in twice before without seeing it.


Luminaux said...

So... confused... did you actually lose your passports or not?!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha !!! :)

Hillarie said...

don't you hate when ppl tell you to look "in the last place you remember having it"? I always want to yell at them that if I knew the last place that I had it, then I wouldn't be looking for it, now would I?